Saturday, July 30, 2022

52 Wave Words in the Wake

A list of 52 Wave Words in Finnegans Wake.
An attempt to read Finnegans Wake only for the wave lines.

(See also Several Short Videos of the Sea from my iPhone.)

                                                 "By the fearse wave behoughted."

"the jimminies was to keep the peacewave"

                   "The soundwaves are his buffeteers"

                  "the wave of roary and the wave of hooshed"

"and the wave hawhawhawrd
the wave of neverheedthem-"

"Sweet bad luck on the waves washed to our island"

"They have waved his green boughs o'er him as they have torn him limb from lamb." (58.06)

"under night's altosonority, shipalone, a raven of the wave"

"Wave bore it. Reed wrote of it. Syce ran with it. Hand tore it and wild went war."

"flammelwaving warwife"

"that the upper reaches of her mouthless face and her impermanent waves were the better half of her"

"Rockabill Booby in the Wave Trough"

"burning body to aiger air on melting mountain in wooing wave"

"and the bergs of Iceland melt in waves of fire"

"The meeting of mahoganies, be the waves"

"But the majik wavus has elfun anon meshes."

"trickle me through was she marcellewaved or was it weirdly a wig she wore."

"sequansewn and teddybearlined, with wavy rushgreen epaulettes"

"Well, arundgirond in a waveny lyne aringarouma she pattered and swung and sidled"

"twinglings of twitchbells in rondel after, with waverings that made shimmershake"

"a message interfering intermitting interskips from them (pet!) on herzian waves"

"Arise, Land-under-Wave!" 

"what are the sound waves saying"

"That grene ray of earong it waves us to yonder"

"our lavy in waving"

"(Wave gently in the ere turning ptover.)"

"Will you walk into my wavetrap?"

"fin above wave after duckydowndivvy"

"on the fields of the foam of the waves of the seas" 


"the four maaster waves of Erin, all listening, four.
There was old Matt Gregoryand then besides old Matt
there was old Marcus Lyons, the four waves"

"not to forget the four of the Welsh waves, leaping laughing"

"at their windswidths in the waveslength"

"I might as well be talking to the four waves"

"he knowed his love by her waves of splabashing" 

"we come to newsky prospect from west the wave on schedule time"

"twill carry on my hearz'waves my still waters reflections in words"

"It was then he made as if be but waved instead a handacross the sea"

"with a posse of tossing hankerwaves to his windward"

"trailing the wavy line of his partition footsteps"

"They came from all lands beyond the wave for songs of Inishfeel."

"Among the shivering sedges so? Weedy waving."

"and there, by wavebrink, on strond of south"

"These brilling waveleaplights!"

"Only trees such as these such were those, waving there"

"awike in wave risurging into chrest"

"mild beam of the wave his polar bearing, steerner among stars"

"you spun your yarns to him on the swishbarque waves"

"When the waves give up yours the soil may for me."

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